Istituto Italiano di Cultura Jakarta
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Jakarta
1,414 Visitors

Istituto Italiano di Cultura Jakarta

Last edited on 14 Mar 2025

Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto No.117, Menteng,

Jakarta 10310

The Italian Cultural Institute is the official Italian government agency for the promotion of cultural exchange between Indonesia and Italy.

The Institute promotes cooperation between universities, academies and other institutions in the two countries and organizes major Italian cultural events in Indonesia.

The Institute cooperates with departments of Italian studies in Indonesian universities.

The Institute also cooperates with other university departments, both in the humanity and natural science fields.

The Italian Institute of Culture in Jakarta offers the following service to the public in Indonesia:

  • Italian language courses with Italian teachers
  • examination for the certificate of Italian as a foreign language, provided twice a year
  • students of Italian language courses and members of “Amici dell’Istituto” are entitled to: consultation on Italian language and culture, books on loan, CDs, DVDs, Italian magazines and newspapers, information and documentation on Italian culture
  • the Institute information desk provides information on all aspects of Italian cultural and social life

The Institute organises and promotes lectures, exhibitions, symposia and concerts, which are held either at the institute or other venues throughout Indonesia.

Scholarships for study and research in Italy are awarded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Italian institutions through the Italian Institute.