Legislation on Cookies

EHEF.id website uses cookies and we will inform you why it is important for us in this page. We wish to have your kind understanding and later decide to accept our cookies. We use cookies to enhance the functionality of this website and to improve user experience. The cookies we use will not appear personally identifiable nor harm your device. Overall, cookies help our site to be informative, personal, and as user friendly. By visiting our website, you agree to the use of cookies and other systems as set out in this policy. 

What are cookies?

A small data file placed on your computer by a website that you visit.

A piece of code placed in your browser by a website server.

A text file placed on a hard drive to store and transmits information to the server of websites (re)visited from that browser/computer.

The small data called cookie may then be stored on your computer's hard drive and can be accessed by our web server. Afterwards, this data can be restored and allow us to customize our web pages and services accordingly. However, cookie does not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer so you may consider it safe.

Why we are using cookies?

Cookies are important for our websites, for example they enable us to analyze visitor’s behavior. We collect such information to obtain a clear picture of our visitors profile and adjust our websites respectively. For this purpose we use Google Analytics. In addition, we use cookies to keep track of long-term visitors. These visitors remain anonymous, the point is to be able to see who returns, if and when, for example, for conversion analysis.

Enable or disable? 

EHEF.id will not use cookies to collect your individual/private information. We understand some users may like more individual control over their visit to our website including to adjust their settings accordingly. However, if you choose to disable or block our cookies, some parts of our websites will not fully-function. For more information on how to control your cookie settings and browser settings, or how to delete cookies on your hard drive, please follow the instructions in your browser manual.