Szent István University, one of Hungary’s largest institutions of higher education, was founded in 2000 by the merger of the University of Veterinary Science in Budapest, Ybl Miklós Technical College, the Teachers’ Training College of Jászberény and the University of Agriculture in Gödöllő. Later on, in 2009, Tessedik Sámuel College merged with SZIE as well.
"Within the eight faculties, degree programs are offered in a wide variety of subjects ranging from natural and environmental sciences, food engineering, horticulture, landscape architecture and mechanical engineering to business economics, social sciences, architecture and health sciences. Programs are available in English at every level: BSc, MSc, PhD and beyond. SZIU understands the importance of internationalization and promotes a variety of international activities. We have always been making great efforts to expand our international relations outside Europe. SZIU has more than 400 partners throughout the world."