
Bagaimana mendapatkan besiswa untuk studi di luar negeri

Last updated on 07 Feb 2025
Bagaimana mendapatkan besiswa untuk studi di luar negeri


We know that study abroad scholarships are always a popular subject, so this month we have put together a handy instructographic to help you on your scholarship quest. Save it, pin it or otherwise share it; use it however you like for guidance and motivation.


The first step in securing a study abroad scholarship, is to find one! Look for country-specific scholarships by contacting institutions you are applying to or find out if there are any subject-specific scholarships available from the university directly.


Once you’ve found a scholarship, make sure you qualify. There is no point applying for a scholarship unless you meet the criteria, so check and double-check these first. Any time spent applying for a scholarship you don’t qualify for is time wasted.


When you find a scholarship you qualify for, it’s time to start researching the scholarship and its provider. Find out what they are looking for in applicants – are they interested in younger applicants with an entrepreneurial flare, or perhaps they are looking for somebody whose beliefs are closely aligned with a certain charity. Finding these kind of facts out are imperative.

Prove Yourself

At this point it is time to put pen to paper and fill in the application form. This is when all that research you’ve previously completed will come into play – use it as a checklist and make sure you tick off everything the scholarship provider is looking for, and back it up with evidence.


The chances of being granted the first scholarship you apply for is slim. So it’s a good idea to apply for more than one at a time. Don’t rest all your hopes on the big scholarships, as these are fiercely competitive. It’s also worth bearing in mind that there are only a few scholarships that will cover your tuition fees AND living expenses, as such you’re better off applying for lots of smaller scholarships, that way you also increase your chances of getting at least a bit of financial help towards your study abroad experience.

Works Cited

Study Link. (n.d.). How to Get a Scholarship to Study Abroad. Retrieved May 26, 2017, from StudyLink.